
What should a 3-month-old baby be able to handle?

What should a 3-month-old baby be able to handle?

The first three months are very important and crucial for the baby. He adapts to the new environment and begins to discover his body.

By the kind of environment we provide him with, we can influence how he manages to stabilize in the position on his back. This is reflected in how he manages the position on his stomach – whether the baby is stable on his stomach, whether he likes it at all in this position.

Stability on the back is important for the further development and movement of the baby, so that, for example, in the 6th month, he can turn over on his stomach – roll barrels.

Let’s talk about what a 3-month-old baby can do in individual areas:

  • the baby is stable in the supine position and keeps the body in an axis
  • symmetrically moves its arms and legs above the mat in the supine position
  • can lie on its side for a while
  • in the prone position he manages the first upright position – “Herding horses”
  • his hand is open in the palm, he plays with his hands above his chest
  • he tries to bang toys on the trapeze
  • watches your face with interest
  • a knowing smile (from the 6th week)
  • experiments with his voice, hoots and hums, makes various sounds
  • knows the daily routine and rituals

It should be taken into account that the child develops at his own pace. Each one is unique and you won’t find two that are the same in terms of psychomotor development.

If you want to support your child in learning through an individual consultation, you can find more information and registration here:

Individual consultation at your home/ online

If you are interested in a VIDEO course on proper handling/stimulation, you can find more information here according to the age of your child:

Monika Majorošová

Instructor of child psychomotor development